NANOE Governors will host Diana Ruano, of the United Nations Refugee Agency, as one of seven keynote addresses at their 2019 Board of Governors Convention & Expo in Charleston, SC. Ruano is an international fundraiser and will challenge audience members to abandon the failed “best practices” that keeps the Non-Profit Sector a Non-Growth Sector. NANOE members are known for taking on the establishment and have chosen “Money Is The Answer to Everything” from King Solomon’s Ecclesiastes (10:19) as the event theme for their biennial gathering March 26-27, 2019.
Diana and her “Bursting the Nonprofit Bubble” address will reveal why nonprofits have mistakenly based their business models on unsustainable altruistic pro-bono activities. She will inspire NANOE Governors to seek the best of everything for their charity ensuring that organizations gain the competitive advantage they need to solve our world’s biggest challenges. Diana, as a global fundraiser has overseen a range of projects including United Nation crisis initiatives, major international NGOs and campaigns in Europe & the U.S. She specializes in new market entry studies, implementation of scale strategies, and strategic reviews of global fundraising programs.
NANOE Governors will also hear from Jimmy LaRose, author of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY, Ecumenical Church of Christ’s Bishop Redfern II, NANOE Program Director Dr. Kathleen Robinson, CineVantage Production’s Honnie Korngold, Wegners CPAs’ Scott Haumersen and Jackson Doggette of Doggette Law.
NANOE Governors will also be tasked with peer-reviewing New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit (Second Edition) and will review, expand and/or redact over 60 key practices that ensure a new set of competencies emerge that increase sector impact.
NANOE Governors were informed of their nomination via email and were directed to visit NANOE’s Nominations Platform to accept their appointment.
The National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives is a nationwide network of individuals who believe that “innovation never fears a challenge” and that the greatest contribution nonprofit practitioners can make to charity is to become the creative, thinking enterprise-leaders our sector so desperately needs.
NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governors Convention & Expo
Trident Technical College – Charleston, SC
March 26-27, 2019
“Money Is The Answer to Everything”
King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 10:19
Jimmy LaRose – Re-Imagining Philanthropy
The Accountability Myth
Diana Ruano – United Nations Refugee Agency
Bursting the Nonprofit Bubble
Bishop Redfern II – Ecumenical Church of Christ
Stop Playing The Hunger Games
Kathleen Robinson – New Guidelines for Nonprofits
Designing Heroic Missions of Scale
Jackson Doggette – The Doggette Law Firm
Rule Makers vs. Rule Breakers?
Honnie Korngold – CineVantage Productions
Broken for Good: The Film
Scott Haumersen – Wegner CPAs
Oversight: Facts vs. Fiction
Tracy Ebarb – NANOE National Director
Convention Director
Charlotte Berry – America’s Volunteer
Convention Host
Tony Clyburn – Charity Voice
Convention Moderator