NANOE Governors – Washington, D.C. – Charlotte Berry, Nominations Co-Chair of the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE) has announced that nominations will open Tuesday, August 8, 2017 to seat NANOE’s 2018 Board of Governors. Nominees will be informed of their nomination via a nominees’ email message and will be provided the opportunity to accept their pending nomination via NANOE’s new online secure web platform built exclusively for NANOE Nominations. To learn more about NANOE nominations visit
Charlotte Berry – NANOE Governors – Nominees Email – Nominations OpenIn a recent interview Charlotte Berry shared, “This esteemed group of philanthropists, volunteers, and nonprofit practitioners will oversee the formal codification of a new set of governing guidelines that super-charge nonprofit capacity-building. NANOE’s 2018 Board of Governors will review, expand and/or redact 60 key practices revealed in New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit (Second Edition) ensuring a new set of competencies emerge to increase charitable impact. This assignment will require contributions from a wide-array of industry professionals from all stations within the public, private and charitable sectors. Vendors, CEOs, staff members, administrators, donors, board members and clergy who work or volunteer in the human welfare, education, healthcare, arts, animals, environmental and/or public benefit sectors have been nominated.
New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofits (Second Edition) is 150 pages in length and is based on doctoral research (including a university-led clinical survey of 480 nonprofit executive directors), group interactions with senior leaders at over 300 seminars and over 1000 one-on-one interviews with board members, volunteers and nonprofit CEOs. Project leaders captured and recorded what’s going on behind-the-scenes at nonprofits and witnessed firsthand the dismal lack of organization, definition, and attention given to the development of the charitable corporation at the highest levels.
NANOE Governor’s Nominations were suggested to NANOE’s nominations committee from members of AFP, CFRE, AHP, ASAE, CASE, United Way, National Development Institute, Nonprofit Associations, Industry Associations, and other community leaders. This year’s nominations committee is overseen by four co-chairs:
Bishop Redfern II, NANOE Board Chair
Kathleen Robinson, NANOE Program Director
Tracy Ebarb, NANOE National Director
Charlotte Berry, NANOE Nominations Chair
The National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE) is a nationwide network of individuals who believe that “innovation never fears a challenge” and that the greatest contribution nonprofit practitioners can make to charity is to become the creative, thinking enterprise-leaders our sector so desperately needs.
To learn more about NANOE please visit
[…] Kathleen Robinson, is overseeing National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives 2018 Board of Governors Nominations. Charlotte will also be hosting NANOE’s 2018 Convention & Expo in Charleston, SC in […]
[…] Kathleen Robinson, is overseeing National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives 2018 Board of Governors Nominations. Charlotte will also be hosting NANOE’s 2019 Convention & Expo in Charleston, SC in March […]
[…] Seminary. He also serves on National Association of Nonprofit Organization & Executives‘ Board of Governors and holds NANOE’s Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE) […]
[…] (Certified Development Executive) and CNC (Certified Nonprofit Consultant.) Pamela also serves on NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governors. Ballard is a Sapulpa, OK native who is excited to be returning home to lead an organization that […]
[…] issued by the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives and also serves on NANOE’s Board of Governors. Her nonprofit experience runs the gamut from small, local organizations to the nationally […]