NANOE Nonprofit Board of Governor’s invited Jimmy LaRose to perform the inaugural address “Money is Oxygen” at their Convention & Expo on March 7, 2017 in Columbia, SC. Hailed as both provocative and uplifting, LaRose took NANOE Governors on a wild ride into the upside down world of nonprofit management with his “emperor has no clothes” approach to the charitable sector. Relying on humor and vivid story-telling, audience members were challenged to confront the “existing order of things” by designing heroic missions of scale that attract big bet philanthropy.
Those in attendance also heard from Charity Defense Council’s Dan Pallotta, Hollywood Film Maker Honnie Korngold and Dr. Kathleen Robinson of National Development Institute.
You can learn more about National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives by visiting their homepage.
Mr. LaRose was introduced by Bishop Redfern II and Charlotte Lunsford Berry. Bishop Redfern II serves as Board Chairman and Mrs. Berry co-chaired NANOE’s nominations committee and is known around the world as “America’s Volunteer” for her philanthropic work.
You can learn more about Bishop Redfern II and NANOE Nonprofit by visiting
You can learn more about Charlotte Berry and NANOE Nonprofit by visiting
LaRose’s keynote named “Money is Oxygen” comes straight from his industry best-selling book RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY where he states, “Money, like air, in and of itself is not very impressive, nor does it give life meaning. However, life has very little meaning…if you can’t breathe! Simply put, money is oxygen. Without it, charities asphyxiate, atrophy and fail.” He went on to say, “The healthy flow of lots of money (air) allows a nonprofit to flourish and, in turn, realize their important mission in ways never dreamed possible.” LaRose also confronted the lack of STRONG CEOs within the charitable sector sharing, “Let me bring this home for you. What’s your view of the CEO of your favorite nonprofit? Are they experts in generating fees, sales, fundraising, or grant income? Do they have a history of stabilizing organizations through sound financial management and increased revenue generation? If they don’t, let them go and hire someone who does! Why so harsh? Because expert CEOs increase revenues to undewrite more salaries for therapists, social workers and educators, etc. who in turn ensure people in need experience a life truly worth living!”
NANOE Nonprofit Governors’ celebrated this inaugural address with laughter, surprise and multiple ovations.