Oklahoma’s Zoo Safari USA is an Oklahoma Teaching Zoo and Oklahoma Zoological Park providing an education about animals and wildlife conservation. Oklahoma Zoo Safari USA is located in a beautiful valley in rural Northeast Oklahoma, south of the small town of Locust Grove. It is a unique Oklahoma Zoological Park that is committed to providing an educational experience to visitors young and old alike. Oklahoma Zoo Safari USA’s mission is to provide an educational experience to visitors and to provide an awareness of the animals and plants in which we share our world, and to show a commitment to the future through the continuing development of this facility and to provide a unique vision for all.
Oklahoma Zoo Safari USA is a non-profit organization that runs exclusively on donations and is a fully-functioning Oklahoma Zoo which concentrates on smaller animals that are not seenon a regular basis. Oklahoma Zoo Safari USA is also an Oklahoma Teaching Zoo, helping others to convey and understand the message of Wildlife Conservation.
Oklahoma Zoo Safari USA’s mission: To raise community consciousness toward to the welfare of animals and to provide public education in the care and welfare of animals, to promote community involvement; to provide internship for students in all animal related studies and sciences, and to eventually offer scholarships for students studying animal sciences.
Zoo Safari Inc.
5301 Earbob Road, Locust Grove, OK 74352
Contact Name: John Jinks
[email protected]
1 Comment
this is awesome thank you