Michael Yurieff, and the Russian American Children’s Foundation (RACF) have spent the last five years assisting seriously ill children from Russia access medical care in the […]
NANOE Nominations remain open for 2018’s Board of Governors. Charlotte Berry, NANOE Nominations Co-Chair, has announced that nominations can be made or accepted through 2018. What […]
Bishop Redfern II, Presiding Bishop of the Ecumenical Church of Christ, is the founding Board Chair of the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives. He […]
I recently finished reading a new book by Jimmy LaRose named RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY. This thought-provoking 145 page hard cover encapsulates the advice he has been giving […]
Motiv is a new venture in San Diego focused on connecting teens to meaningful volunteer service! We exist because we believe teens offer a unique ability […]
Brian Burwell of the Bridgespan Group and Kathleen Robinson of NANOE announced today that the two organizations will collaborate together to identify the core capabilities of […]
Jimmy LaRose announced today that the audio version of his best-selling book RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY has been released and is now on sale. The audio version is […]
There are a number of organizational beliefs that, despite their hindrance to growth, continue to have a strong hold on nonprofits. They include ongoing “magical thinking” […]