August 10, 2017

NANOE Board of Governors’ New Guidelines – Kathleen Robinson & Jimmy LaRose

NANOE’s Kathleen Robinson announced today the release of the newly updated NEW GUIDELINES FOR TOMORROW’S NONPROFIT – SECOND EDITION. During a morning interview she shared, “In […]
July 29, 2017

Charlotte Berry to Oversee NANOE Governors Nominations Via Nominee Email

NANOE Governors Nominations – Washington D.C. – August 2, 2017 – Bishop Redfern II has announced that, “NANOE Nominees will be informed via email that Charlotte […]
July 15, 2017

Claremont, CA – Connecting Mentors with Middle Schoolers In Need – Bill Godwin

Bill Godwin’s new nonprofit organization, The Student Mentor Project (TSMP), is a program that will give scholarships to college students (currently UC–Berkeley) who commit to and […]
July 4, 2017

Detroit Rising – Helping Hands Computer Lab Teaches Freedom – Cathy Russell

Helping Hands Computer Lab provides technology and financial educational training for economically disadvantaged youth’s, Veterans, domestic violence survivors and underprivileged individuals in Michigan. The program train […]
July 4, 2017

Commitment to Faith – Pacific Christian Athletic Conference – Andrew Graham

Pacific Christian Athletic Conference is a basketball conference that supports colleges, assisting their programs and recruits through a combined effort of web support, branding, at game […]
June 30, 2017

Actual Photograph of a Perfect Board – NANOE Board Members – Jimmy LaRose

Take a peek above and see an actual photo of NANOE Board Members receiving honorariums for the service to the charitable sector. Are you wondering how much they’re […]
June 25, 2017

Theresa Bornbach asks, “What are the Charleston Principles?”

If you’re running a nonprofit organization, chances are you’ve heard that you need to register your solicitation registration. You may have also heard about the Charleston […]